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Humanity Must Perish 1.1

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Decide whether humanity is worth saving or not in this intriguing visual novel with gorgeous graphics It’s no secret and no longer a theory that our planet’s condition is in decline, and this will soon have nasty effects on people as well. Although it’s a bit too late to stop this from happening, there are solutions we can employ in order to mitigate the harshness of what’s to come. Naturally, you can also read a lot of fictional stories about possible futures in which things go about as wrong as they can. Decide humanity’s fate in a day Humanity Must Perish is surely an interesting visual novel that challenges you to experience a scenario in which the human race needs to be eradicated entirely, as well as decide on whether to push the button or not. Although it’s written in a serious tone and it tackles some interesting ideas, one can’t help but feel like the writing is incredibly childish and narrow-minded in many aspects. Hence, you play the role of an android that comes to the conclusion that in order for the planet to be saved, humanity must be eradicated entirely. Her creator challenges the android to spend a day out in the world and interact with a few people before going on with her plan, which is where the action starts. Thus, after meeting a few interesting characters and hearing their stories, you have to decide what to do in the end. Great artwork and nice environments There are a few decisions you can make along the way as well, which affect the story a tiny bit and allow you to experience multiple playthroughs. Granted, there are not enough choices to feel like a full re-play is worth it, but extra content is always welcome. In addition, the game world is designed to include many interesting characters, so you are always stumbling upon fascinating situations. Speaking of which, the graphics are mesmerizing as well, especially when it comes to the environments and the backgrounds scenes. Whether it’s a playground of a dark alley at night, it’s easy to really imagine yourself there, given the great artwork and nice scene composition. Furthermore, the characters will be nicely designed as well, depending on whether you will be an anime fan or not. A shallow story that might just catch you in its spell All things considered, Humanity Must Perish is not really as deep as it wants to be, but it’s not bad either. You can have a little of fun with it in the right conditions, especially thanks to the enjoyable artwork and the possibility to make choices. Filed under Visual novel Interactive story Sci-fi story Sci-fi Novel RPG Role-play Humanity Must Perish was reviewed by Alexandru Dulcianu 3. 0/5


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